Pumping Receipts Are Due *EVERY THREE YEARS*
Every Upper Salford Township property owner MUST provide a copy of their septic pumping receipt to the Township, via email to amy.uppersalford@comcast.net, mail to PO Box 100, Salfordville, PA 18958 or drop off at the Upper Salford Township Municipal Building. Failure to comply could result in penalties and further legal action. Please keep in mind, it is up to the property owner to provide this receipt as most pumper/haulers do NOT submit them to our office! If in doubt, check with the Township office staff at (610) 287-6160.
Township Septic Pumping Requirements
On March 1, 2011, the Upper Salford Township Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance 2011-1, establishing a maintenance program for on-lot sewage disposal systems throughout the Township. The purpose of the ordinance is to ensure the proper maintenance of all on-lot sewage disposal systems to avoid malfunctions that could contaminate surface and ground water.
One of the requirements of Ordinance 2011-1 is that every on-lot system in the Township must be pumped out at a minimum of once every three (3) years by a pumper/hauler registered with the Township. Compliance with this requirement must be established by providing a pumping receipt to the Township that includes:
- The registered pumper/hauler name
- The resident’s name and address
- The number of gallons pumped
- The date service was provided
- Signature of the pumper
If the company you would like to use is not on the below list, they could register with the Township by providing a few simple items. Instructions are included in the link below. There is no cost to register.
Septic System Maintenance
Please take the time to review the Homeowner’s Guide to On-Lot Sewage System Operation and Maintenance. This information is supplied by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to help identify problems with your on-lot system as well as preventive maintenance that could help avoid malfunctions. We strongly encourage everyone to follow these guidelines to extend the life of your on-lot system. If you notice any of the signs of a malfunction, please address them immediately.